Guide: Other People`s Stuff And You

Guide: Other People`s Stuff And You

Postby Wahn » Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:14 am

Guide: Other People`s Stuff And You

Since it came up several times now... let`s talk about making changes to files created by others. Here are some important rules:

1) Ask before you do it. The author himself, or alternatively one of the senior writers if the author isn't easily reachable easily. It is possible that plans exist for the creature/npc/event that you would interfere with. There may also be ancillary or connected materials you are unaware of already in the game. We senior devs have a fairly good idea of who might still be around and what can be considered fair game.
2) The original spirit of the creature should be preserved. Avoid sudden and wild gender preference shifts, large thematic shifts, etc.
3) If you do want to work on improving something, announce it in this thread... we don't want anyone starting on the same thing in parallel. Also, don't stake claims on a lot of stuff all at once you're interested in. You can make inquiries on several at once, but be specific which one or two you want to work on at any given time.
4) Much of the older content in the game has new material which was paid for through Writer for Hire donations. Some creatures and NPCs also originate from these commissions. As such, it is important to preserve and protect this material, as someone paid to have it made. Improvements and additions are possible, but greater diligence is needed and should definitely be cross-checked with the dev involved.
5) Just adding a new scene for player loss or player victory, as long as the above points are followed, is the easiest and is the least likely to cause problems. The new material should be in keeping with the rest of the material.
6) Some of the more basic starting monsters (like the Female Husky and the Latex Fox) are to be kept with a more basic set of content and are not to have overly extensive scenes, as they are meant to get the player warmed up for the more exciting content to come. As well, these provide a base of more generally acceptable content that most players can enjoy - other later critters can sought out for the more kinky fun certain fans may desire. That doesn't mean they can't benefit from having an additional scene variation or two added to them.

Some Files you can have a look at:
Sarokcat's stuff -> Largely available for enrichment, but always check as a lot of it has either had WfH work or has connected materials, so care is needed.

Damaged's stuff -> Alien Felinoid, Bovine, Lizard Girl and (maybe) Awesome Tree can be worked on pretty freely, but be sure to check with the senior dev's first to be sure what you're planning doesn't interfere with connected materials. Skunk and Feline might also receive additions, but changing these require a lot more diligence and has a lot more restrictions due to the degree of connected WfH material - you must absolutely discuss and review any such changes with Stripes personally. The Wyvern's received (and still receiving) a major reworking by Blue Bishop and probably shouldn't be touched. If you really want to write a scene variation you think'll work, check with him, but there's better spots to focus your attention otherwise.

Hellerhound -> Long abandoned, most everything was left unfinished. Stripes has reworked/repaired/updated a lot of it, so check in with him if something in there interests you. For the Zoo/Power Plant and Gryphons Plot ask Wahn.

Kaleem's stuff -> Available for improvement and renovation, but be aware that chunks of this are kinda iffy as far as functionality. I'd recommend you limit changes and additions to new critters scenes for the moment.

Lago Moro -> Long abandoned, files could use player victory scenes

Darthan/Gels.i7x -> Still around but not really active. Likely wouldn't mind some additions made to their possible scenes. Do check with him first though to make sure, as there's probably some thematic details and quirks he can point out for you to keep in mind.
hiccup/Cannon.i7x -> No player victory sex, very short endings
hiccup/Random Events.i7x -> Some Events that could be added on to for multi-stage awesomeness (to keep the overall number of events down)
Kazard/Random Tentacle Horror For FS.i7x -> does not have an ending
Soren/Mothgirl for FS.i7x -> Only bare bones ending
Tentabear/Hermaphrodite Latex Vixen For FS.i7x -> Several slots prepared for more player victory options (various oral sex).
TheRecipe/Caveman.i7x -> Not sure if he's still around. Contains an adequate amount of scenes, but more could be added.
Trav/Cute Chinchilla Girl For FS.i7x -> No player victory sex, bare bones ending
UrsaOmega/Shadow Beast.i7x -> No player victory sex
Verath/Tristian.i7x -> Could use an ending for him/his brother.

And the "Red List":
Active Writers -> ALWAYS ask first.
Nuku's critters -> Available for improvement with more scene variations, but keep point six from above in mind when dealing with most of these.
Stripes's stuff -> Ask him if you want to add some scenes to an NPC or critter of his. For many, this wouldn't be a problem as long as they fit.

Dragonflayer -> Don't touch these. Stripes or maybe Blue Bishop will give them some fine tuning someday. There's... complications involved.
Zero -> Don't touch these. Ever. More effort than it's worth to fix em.
mirumu -> The Butterfly is very complex and very different from the rest of the game's content. Very experienced and cautious devs only.
The Stables -> The material dealing with the NPCs and quests here is quite complex and deals with advanced techniques and permanent infections, so don't touch those portions.
Sweraptor -> Blue Bishop planning to completely remodel these guys eventually, so talk to him.

EDIT: Updated the list somewhat - Stripes
Last edited by Wahn on Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Guide: Other People`s Stuff And You

Postby Xenophiliac » Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:50 am

Sweraptor -> Long abandoned, none of the Ash creatures have player victory sex yet

I'd like to 'Stake a claim' ( :lol: ) on the ash creatures. I'd love to make some victory content for them.

Sarokcat's stuff -> Largely available for enrichment, but always check as a lot of it has either had WfH work or has connected materials, so care is needed.

I'd also like to take a crack at some of Sarokcat's stuff sometime, but most of it can wait or be taken by someone else if theyre interested. However, if I haven't already claimed too much content, i'd like to take control(?) of the Felinoid companion. I'd also love to touch him up and add more content (if there aren't any other issues with him)
Man ideas are weird.
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Re: Guide: Other People`s Stuff And You

Postby TigerStripes » Wed Aug 20, 2014 12:50 pm

Xenophiliac wrote:
Sweraptor -> Long abandoned, none of the Ash creatures have player victory sex yet

I'd like to 'Stake a claim' ( :lol: ) on the ash creatures. I'd love to make some victory content for them.

Wahn was not aware, but Blue Bishop has had plans for some time to review and rework these critters pretty much from the ground up. Talk to him before jumping on these guys.

Sarokcat's stuff -> Largely available for enrichment, but always check as a lot of it has either had WfH work or has connected materials, so care is needed.

I'd also like to take a crack at some of Sarokcat's stuff sometime, but most of it can wait or be taken by someone else if theyre interested. However, if I haven't already claimed too much content, i'd like to take control(?) of the Felinoid companion. I'd also love to touch him up and add more content (if there aren't any other issues with him)

The Felinoid companion has a lot of material tied into him and floating around him. Just check in with me on what in particular you're looking to do and I'll be better able to tell you if it might cause interference and point out some pitfalls to avoid potential problems.
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Re: Guide: Other People`s Stuff And You

Postby Darthan » Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:29 pm

Wahn wrote:Darthan/Gels.i7x -> Still around but not really active. Likely wouldn't mind some additions made to their possible scenes. Do check with him first though to make sure, as there's probably some thematic details and quirks he can point out for you to keep in mind.

I know that these need endings, never got around to writing them and the update to inform has killed my creativity even more (with all the other problems I am having with my computer right now having to reinstall inform is not really something I look forward to). I also saw that a couple of people put in their preferences questionare that they thought they could be improved and would really like to hear how they think they could be improved, maybe that will actually get me to finish them. :P
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Re: Guide: Other People`s Stuff And You

Postby Blue Bishop » Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:10 pm

TigerStripes wrote:Wahn was not aware, but Blue Bishop has had plans for some time to review and rework these critters pretty much from the ground up. Talk to him before jumping on these guys.

Stripes is correct. I plan on doing a wide array of naughty fare to the Ash Dragonbrood immediately after Dragonpalooza, assuming I can finish this stack of work I have right now.
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Re: Guide: Other People`s Stuff And You

Postby Xenophiliac » Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:16 pm

Stripes is correct. I plan on doing a wide array of naughty fare to the Ash Dragonbrood immediately after Dragonpalooza, assuming I can finish this stack of work I have right now.
Damn! Would've loved to do some stuff with them.
Man ideas are weird.
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Re: Guide: Other People`s Stuff And You

Postby Blue Bishop » Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:30 pm

Xenophiliac wrote: Damn! Would've loved to do some stuff with them.

The Ash dragons have a long and complicated history. They need a lingering controversy to be ameliorated during their overhaul, relating to an "Intellectual Property" concern we want to honour.

The plan is to introduce some complicated mechanics to their encounters when updated, to better establish them as a threat over other monsters you've encountered. This matter has been discussed at length between Stripes and myself for a long time now, so any major update to them in the interim is ill-advised.
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Re: Guide: Other People`s Stuff And You

Postby Wahn » Wed Aug 20, 2014 10:07 pm

My apologies for the ash creature mixup. Still, better that BB claiming them comes out now, instead when someone else has written additions and wants to upload them.
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Re: Guide: Other People`s Stuff And You

Postby Xenophiliac » Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:12 am

The Ash dragons have a long and complicated history. They need a lingering controversy to be ameliorated during their overhaul, relating to an "Intellectual Property" concern we want to honour.
The plan is to introduce some complicated mechanics to their encounters when updated, to better establish them as a threat over other monsters you've encountered. This matter has been discussed at length between Stripes and myself for a long time now, so any major update to them in the interim is ill-advised.

No worries, earlier IP (honors?plans?) takes precedence, as it should. It's cool that they're gettin' an update.

My apologies for the ash creature mixup. Still, better that BB claiming them comes out now, instead when someone else has written additions and wants to upload them.

Once again, no worries :)
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Re: Guide: Other People`s Stuff And You

Postby Xenophiliac » Thu Aug 28, 2014 11:32 pm

So for my in-progress bug-nerd that i'm developing, there's going to be a few quest events attached to him (i.e. go find this stuff). Wahn's explained to me some of the issues involved with events, and that combined with Stripes' post on the subject made me figure that it'd probably be a good idea to "piggy-back" on current events ingame that are both already present and somewhat "content-dessicated."

I've been taking a look at Sarokcat's consolidated event files (I.E. "Museum Events","Fair Events") and I figured that adding quest stuff onto a few of the events inside specific files would be a good idea. Wahn also pitched the idea of expanding some of the events by themselves, without adding bugman quest-related objectives, which I'm also up for.

Wanted to let everyone know my ideas/plans and ask permission to execute them
Man ideas are weird.
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