My Contribution(s)

My Contribution(s)

Postby McRabid » Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:11 pm

So, lots of procrastination, some drama, more procrastination, and also lots of video games I've finally started working on the critter(s) I had planned on doing a while back. I've got my files but I've lost the template for the coding part and looked around for it but couldn't find it, could someone point me in the right direction of the template, or what ever its called? :3

Current: Nerdy Mouse

"To Do": Fancy Rats ('monster' encounter for High Rise District); Professor Martin (Pine Marten, possible NPC might try doing eventually)
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Re: My Contribution(s)

Postby Wahn » Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:56 pm

Hey, welcome back.

The template should still be in the hub I think. Otherwise, just grab an existing critter and build on top of that.
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Re: My Contribution(s)

Postby TigerStripes » Fri Aug 01, 2014 4:43 am

Nice to hear back from you. Here is a direct link to the template file.
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Re: My Contribution(s)

Postby McRabid » Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:43 am

Thanks! So far so good, at least I think it is. I'm using example of one of the other campus creatures to figure out where things go, I think I've got everything figured out except where i put the attacks.

I did, however, learn how to use [one of], [or], and [at random], does this also work in drops as i'm thinking he'd drop either chips or a soda (thinkin 15-25% of the time). But yes, so far so good :D

Edit: I even remembered to get inform which is making putting things in much easier than with notepad

Further Edit: I now feel silly as i had completely overlooked that section of the template. Derp :oops:
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Re: My Contribution(s)

Postby TigerStripes » Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:56 pm

[one of] or [if] selections cannot be used as part of the loot entry, as that text is not displayed text but instead the name of an item to be then scanned for in the table of game objects. As well, there are some mechanics that read the loot entry of creatures to generate a randomized drop. Alternating the drops requires more manipulative mechanics. For an example of this, see the description for the Horny Doctor.
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Re: My Contribution(s)

Postby McRabid » Fri Aug 01, 2014 2:15 pm

Yeowza, I think I shall just stick with Soda for the drop then :p

Lets see... think i have everything but the sex scenes down, gonna run back through it for double, then triple check it before i attach it or whatever i'm s'posed to do with it :3
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Re: My Contribution(s)

Postby McRabid » Sat Aug 02, 2014 11:53 am

Ooookay... I've gone and gotten confused now, saved the file but i can't find it anywhere, in the install folder or the documents folder, i mean i see a folder with the correct name but i'm not seeing the info itself, as I could have swore i had to upload somethin that was like.... i think a .i7 or somethin like that when i finished the goat. Granted the mouse still isn't 100% as i still gotta put in sex scenes maybe better ending scenes
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Re: My Contribution(s)

Postby McRabid » Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:45 am

Figured it out thanks to Wahn's posts in the writers thread, also other things i should do :p

Code: Select all
"Nerdy Mouse" by McRabid

Version 1 of Nerdy Mouse For FS by McRabid begins here.
[ Edit the above line, replace 'Template' with your monster's name, and 'YourName' with the name you'd like credited for the mod. ]
[***This template is not an actual creature, but instead an template for monster creation for FS and should not be added to the game itself.***]

"Adds a Template creature to Flexible Survivals Wandering Monsters table"
[Description text for this Extension.]

Section 1 - Monster Responses

[ Use 'to say xxxxx' for overlong text boxes or complex situations, using '[xxxxx]' (in square brackets) within a say statement to execute them. Typically, these are needed if there are a lot of cock/species/cunt checks. ]

when play begins:
[These flags indicate which monster groups your creature belongs to, should someone want to remove any given type.]
[Delete the lines with unneeded flags and replace 'Template' with your creature's name entry. Case sensitive.]
add { "Nerdy Mouse" } to infections of guy;
add { "Nerdy Mouse" } to infections of furry;

[Sample loss and victory text templates.]
[Numerous other variations can be found in existing creature files.]
[Change the 'template' in their names here and below to something appropriate to your creature.]

to say losetonerdymouse:
say " The mouse grins at you and sticks his tongue out mockingly ‘Brains over brawn ftw! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!’ he arches his back and looks up to the sky as he gives his oddly familiar laugh. After laughing in that same manner for almost a minute he turns his attention back to you and, empowered by his victory over you, flips you off while grinning";
if cocks of player > 0:
say " 'You're the loser now. Jerk.' The mouse keeps his smug look on his face. Having had enough of this smarmy little bastard you stagger to your feet with a fists balled. He gives a terrified squeak before darting off as fast as he can run.";
say " 'Wh..whoa, you're a girl?' The insides of his ears turn red as he starts to crouch down to help you up only to trip over his own feet resulting in his face being planted between your [one of]breasts[or]boobs[or]tits[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. He stays there for a moment, clearly rather stunned by this outcome before quickly pulling away, his whole face now red from the blush 'Oh crap, I'm so sorry, I... I didn't mean to do that! N...not that you aren't pretty or anything it's just... you... i mean.. I...prefer girls with an IQ bigger than their bust size.' Up until that point his embarrassment had been cute. As if sensing the rage building up inside of you he squeaks loudly before scurrying away as fast as he can";

to say beatthenerdymouse:
say " You smirk at the defeated nerd as he slumps to the ground with a whimper. ‘You… you’re just jealous that I’m smarter than you.’ The nerd sniffles as he pushes his glasses back up his maw. You stare at him for some time, giving the nerd enough time to stand back up, but a warning look from you makes him think better of running away.";
if libido of player > 40:
say " Additional paragraph for a player with a libido greater than 40. Do they want sex?";
if the player consents:
say " The player agreed to sex. Fun times begin.";
if cunts of player > 0:
say " The player is female/herm, so sex goes like this for her.";
say " The player must be male, so sex goes like this for him.";
say " [one of]You grin widely as you wrap the nerd up in a headlock and give him a brutal noogie 'stoppiiiiiiit noooo'[or]you wrap your arm over the mouse's shoulders and quickly slurp your finger before jabbing it into one of his ears  'aaaah noooo wet willie!'[or]Acting like you're leaving, you walk past him before quickly grabbing the waistband of his underwear and yanking it upwards. 'AAGH!' The mouse gives a high pitched squeak before falling over from your wedgie[at random]. Satisfied with adding insult to injury you wander away from the humiliated nerd";

to say nerdymousedesc:
say " As you're exploring the Campus Quad you almost literally collide with a short brown mouse [one of]with his nose buried in a book[or]absorbed with a handheld game system[or]reading a comic book[at random]. He's wearing thick circular glasses, a t-shirt [one of]reading 'I get +8 on all of my intelligence rolls'[or]reading 'l337'[or]with a picture of a blue police box[or]with a picture of a wizard casting a spell[at random] ,a pair of blue jeans and carries a large messenger bag";
say " The mouse stares at you from behind his large glasses for a moment before letting out a startled squeak and jumping away from you. He adopts an almost comical boxing stance before speaking 'I...I'm not afraid of you stupid bullies anymore! [one of]Allons-y!'[or]Engage!'[or]Excelsior!'[or]Let's get dangerous!'[or]Roll for initiative!'[at random]";

Section 2 - Monster Insertion

Table of random critters (continued)
name attack defeated victory desc face body skin tail cock face change body change skin change ass change cock change str dex sta per int cha sex hp lev wdam area cocks cock length cock width breasts breast size male breast size cunts cunt length cunt width libido loot lootchance scale (number) body descriptor (text) type (text) magic (truth state) resbypass (truth state) non-infectious (truth state) nocturnal (truth state) altcombat (text)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --;

[ Adds a blank row to the table, this is immediately filled ;) ]
When Play begins:
Choose a blank row from Table of random critters;
now name entry is "Nerdy Mouse"; [The creature's name as displayed and used in naming descriptions]
now attack entry is "[one of]The mouse blocks another attack from you, while shouting ‘Barrier!’ by using his messenger bag as a shield. OUCH! What does he have in there anyway?[or]Seemingly recalling a defense class the mouse shouts ‘I don’t know you! This is my purse!’ As he delivers a swift, and very painful, kick right to your groin.[or]‘Look behind you, a three-headed monkey!’ The mouse shouts, pointing behind you. You turn to look and find nothing, your pride is wounded for falling for the oldest trick in the book[or]The mouse flails his balled up fists in your general direction. It would be almost comical if he wasn’t actually hitting you.[at random]"; [Text used when the monster succeeds on an attack]
now defeated entry is "[beatthenerdymouse]"; [ Text when monster loses. Change 'template' as above. ]
now victory entry is "[losetonerdymouse]"; [ Text when monster wins. Change 'template' as above. ]
now desc entry is "[nerdymousedesc]"; [ Description of the creature when you encounter it. ]
now face entry is "that of an anthropomorphic mouse, complete with large ears and slightly buck teeth"; [ Face Description, format as the text "Your face is (your text)." ]
now body entry is "that of a lithe mouse with very little definition"; [ Body Description, format as the text "Your body is (your text)." ]
now skin entry is "Soft, light tan fur covers your"; [ Skin desc., format as the text "Your body is covered in (your text) skin." Note: the word 'skin' is automatically included at the end. ]
now tail entry is "Your tail is roughly the same length as your body, thin, and naked like that of a typical mouse."; [ Tail desc., written as a full sentence or left blank for none. ]
now cock entry is "sheathed human like"; [ Cock desc., format as "You have a 'size' (your text) cock." ]
now face change entry is "Your gums start to hurt around your two front teeth, almost like you’re teething all over again, your tongue feels over them finding your front teeth have grown larger giving you slightly bucked teeth. Before you’re able to fully comprehend this, you feel the very shape of your skull starting to change, growing out into a short muzzle, your ears shift and grow much larger giving your head the appearance of a mouse"; [ Face TF text, format as "Your face feels funny as (your text)." ]
now body change entry is "Your stomach churns and tightens, as you reach to it you can feel your muscles shrinking along with the rest of you.  The focus on your shrinking body moves to the changing shape of your hands and feet as they turn into furless, mouse-like paws."; [ Body TF text, format as "Your body feels funny as (your text)." ]
now skin change entry is "You give an idle scratch to your belly to get at a sudden itch. As the itch subsides, you feel thin fur covering the area. A moment later you feel two more spots itching, soon your entire body is just one big itch that you can’t scratch.  After what feels like hours of scratching your body finally relaxes enough to notice your whole body is now covered in soft, light tan fur."; [ Skin TF text, format as "Your skin feels funny as (your text)." ]
now ass change entry is "An itch forms at your backside, reaching back to scratch at it reveals a change occurring. A tail is growing from the base of your spine. After several minutes you become the proud owner of a naked whip of a tail, like that of a mouse"; [ Ass/Tail TF text, format as "Your ass feels funny as (your text)." ]
now cock change entry is "A sudden wave of euphoria shoots through your groin. The feeling leaves you gasping for what feels like hours before you finally compose yourself enough to actually look at your crotch. You find your cock covered in a protective sheath"; [ Cock TF text, format as "Your cock feels funny as (your text)." ]
now str entry is 8; [ These are now the creature's stats... ]
now dex entry is 12; [ ...and are only altered onto the player via Shifting or the Mighty Mutation feat ]
now sta entry is 11; [ These values may be used as part of alternate combat. ]
now per entry is 12;
now int entry is 17;
now cha entry is 11;
now sex entry is "Male"; [ Infection will move the player towards this gender. Current: 'Male' 'Female' 'Both' ]
now hp entry is 32; [ The monster's starting hit points. ]
now lev entry is 3; [ Monster level. (Level x 2) XP for victory. (Level / 2) XP for losing. ]
now wdam entry is 4; [ Monster's average damage when attacking. ]
now area entry is "Campus"; [ "Outside" "Mall" "Park" "Beach" etc... Check an existing creature in the area. ]
now cocks entry is 1; [ Number of cocks the infection will try to cause if sex entry is 'Male' or 'Both'. ]
now cock length entry is 12; [ Length in inches infection will make cock grow to if cocks. ]
now cock width entry is 7; [ Cock width, more commonly used for ball size. ]
now breasts entry is 0; [ Number of breasts the infection will give a player. ]
now breast size entry is 0; [ Size of breasts the infection will try to attain (corresponds to letter cup size). ]
now male breast size entry is 0; [ Breast size for if Sex="Male", usually zero. ]
now cunts entry is 0; [ The number of cunts the infection will try to cause if sex entry is 'Female' or 'Both'. ]
now cunt length entry is 0; [ Depth in inches of female sex the infection will attempt to give a player. ]
now cunt width entry is 0; [ Width in inches of female sex the infection will try to give a player. ]
now libido entry is 25; [ Target libido the infection will rise towards. ]
now loot entry is "soda"; [ Dropped item, blank for none. Case sensitive. ]
now lootchance entry is 20; [ Percentage chance of dropping loot, from 0-100. ]
[ These represent the new additions to the table of random critters ]
now scale entry is 2; [ Number 1-5, approx size/height of infected PC body: 1=tiny, 3=avg, 5=huge ]
now body descriptor entry is "[one of]lanky[or]skinny[or]lithe[or]short[at random]"; [ Ex: "plump" "fat" "muscled" "strong" "slimy" "gelatinous" "slender" Use [one of] to vary ]
now type entry is "rodent"; [ one-word creature type. Ex: feline, canine, lupine, robotic, human... Use [one of] to vary ]
now magic entry is false; [ Is this a magic creature? true/false (normally false) ]
now resbypass entry is false; [ Bypasses Researcher bonus? true/false (almost invariably false) ]
now non-infectious entry is false; [ Is this a non-infectious, non-shiftable creature? True/False (usually false) ]
blank out the nocturnal entry; [ True=Nocturnal (night encounters only), False=Diurnal (day encounters only), blank for both. ]
now altcombat entry is "default"; [ Row used to designate any special combat features, "default" for standard combat. ]

[A sample structure for succumbing/surviving messages at the end of the game.]
[Numerous other examples can be found in existing creature files.]

Section 3 - Endings

when play ends:
if bodyname of player is "Nerdy Mouse":
if humanity of player is less than 10:
say " You give in to the vast nerdiness inside your head. After pouring over all of the books you can find in the library you grow bored and desire a more structured path of learning. Wandering around you eventually find yourself at the College Campus and are over joyed at the thought of getting a higher education. Almost immediatly you find yourself on the recieving end of a wedgie to shouts of 'NERD!'. Ah, sweet academia";
say " You survived, by some miracle, with your humanity still in tact. It takes some time but you finally find a place you fit in, surrounded by those like you, by fellow nerds. ";
if cocks of player > 0: [MALE/HERM]
say " Additional text for a male/herm survivor.";
otherwise if "Sterile" is not listed in feats of player: [F-BREEDABLE]
say " Additional text for a female survivor who can become preggers.";
otherwise: [F-STERILE]
say " Additional text for a female survivor who cannot become preggers.";

[ Edit this to have the correct creature name as well]
Nerdy Mouse For FS ends here.
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Re: My Contribution(s)

Postby Wahn » Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:51 am

Hm, that seems to be missing all its indents... do you have a version that still has them all?
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Re: My Contribution(s)

Postby McRabid » Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:22 am

Wahn wrote:Hm, that seems to be missing all its indents... do you have a version that still has them all?

Code: Select all
"Nerdy Mouse" by McRabid

Version 1 of Nerdy Mouse For FS by McRabid begins here.
[ Edit the above line, replace 'Template' with your monster's name, and 'YourName' with the name you'd like credited for the mod. ]
[***This template is not an actual creature, but instead an template for monster creation for FS and should not be added to the game itself.***]

"Adds a Template creature to Flexible Survivals Wandering Monsters table"
[Description text for this Extension.]

Section 1 - Monster Responses

[ Use 'to say xxxxx' for overlong text boxes or complex situations, using '[xxxxx]' (in square brackets) within a say statement to execute them. Typically, these are needed if there are a lot of cock/species/cunt checks. ]

when play begins:
[These flags indicate which monster groups your creature belongs to, should someone want to remove any given type.]
[Delete the lines with unneeded flags and replace 'Template' with your creature's name entry. Case sensitive.]
add { "Nerdy Mouse" } to infections of guy;
add { "Nerdy Mouse" } to infections of furry;

[Sample loss and victory text templates.]
[Numerous other variations can be found in existing creature files.]
[Change the 'template' in their names here and below to something appropriate to your creature.]

to say losetonerdymouse:
say " The mouse grins at you and sticks his tongue out mockingly ‘Brains over brawn ftw! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!’ he arches his back and looks up to the sky as he gives his oddly familiar laugh. After laughing in that same manner for almost a minute he turns his attention back to you and, empowered by his victory over you, flips you off while grinning";
if cocks of player > 0:
say " 'You're the loser now. Jerk.' The mouse keeps his smug look on his face. Having had enough of this smarmy little bastard you stagger to your feet with a fists balled. He gives a terrified squeak before darting off as fast as he can run.";
say " 'Wh..whoa, you're a girl?' The insides of his ears turn red as he starts to crouch down to help you up only to trip over his own feet resulting in his face being planted between your [one of]breasts[or]boobs[or]tits[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. He stays there for a moment, clearly rather stunned by this outcome before quickly pulling away, his whole face now red from the blush 'Oh crap, I'm so sorry, I... I didn't mean to do that! N...not that you aren't pretty or anything it's just... you... i mean.. I...prefer girls with an IQ bigger than their bust size.' Up until that point his embarrassment had been cute. As if sensing the rage building up inside of you he squeaks loudly before scurrying away as fast as he can";

to say beatthenerdymouse:
say " You smirk at the defeated nerd as he slumps to the ground with a whimper. ‘You… you’re just jealous that I’m smarter than you.’ The nerd sniffles as he pushes his glasses back up his maw. You stare at him for some time, giving the nerd enough time to stand back up, but a warning look from you makes him think better of running away.";
if libido of player > 40:
say " Additional paragraph for a player with a libido greater than 40. Do they want sex?";
if the player consents:
say " The player agreed to sex. Fun times begin.";
if cunts of player > 0:
say " The player is female/herm, so sex goes like this for her.";
say " The player must be male, so sex goes like this for him.";
say " [one of]You grin widely as you wrap the nerd up in a headlock and give him a brutal noogie 'stoppiiiiiiit noooo'[or]you wrap your arm over the mouse's shoulders and quickly slurp your finger before jabbing it into one of his ears  'aaaah noooo wet willie!'[or]Acting like you're leaving, you walk past him before quickly grabbing the waistband of his underwear and yanking it upwards. 'AAGH!' The mouse gives a high pitched squeak before falling over from your wedgie[at random]. Satisfied with adding insult to injury you wander away from the humiliated nerd";

to say nerdymousedesc:
say " As you're exploring the Campus Quad you almost literally collide with a short brown mouse [one of]with his nose buried in a book[or]absorbed with a handheld game system[or]reading a comic book[at random]. He's wearing thick circular glasses, a t-shirt [one of]reading 'I get +8 on all of my intelligence rolls'[or]reading 'l337'[or]with a picture of a blue police box[or]with a picture of a wizard casting a spell[at random] ,a pair of blue jeans and carries a large messenger bag";
say " The mouse stares at you from behind his large glasses for a moment before letting out a startled squeak and jumping away from you. He adopts an almost comical boxing stance before speaking 'I...I'm not afraid of you stupid bullies anymore! [one of]Allons-y!'[or]Engage!'[or]Excelsior!'[or]Let's get dangerous!'[or]Roll for initiative!'[at random]";

Section 2 - Monster Insertion

Table of random critters (continued)
name attack defeated victory desc face body skin tail cock face change body change skin change ass change cock change str dex sta per int cha sex hp lev wdam area cocks cock length cock width breasts breast size male breast size cunts cunt length cunt width libido loot lootchance scale (number) body descriptor (text) type (text) magic (truth state) resbypass (truth state) non-infectious (truth state) nocturnal (truth state) altcombat (text)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --;

[ Adds a blank row to the table, this is immediately filled ;) ]
When Play begins:
Choose a blank row from Table of random critters;
now name entry is "Nerdy Mouse"; [The creature's name as displayed and used in naming descriptions]
now attack entry is "[one of]The mouse blocks another attack from you, while shouting ‘Barrier!’ by using his messenger bag as a shield. OUCH! What does he have in there anyway?[or]Seemingly recalling a defense class the mouse shouts ‘I don’t know you! This is my purse!’ As he delivers a swift, and very painful, kick right to your groin.[or]‘Look behind you, a three-headed monkey!’ The mouse shouts, pointing behind you. You turn to look and find nothing, your pride is wounded for falling for the oldest trick in the book[or]The mouse flails his balled up fists in your general direction. It would be almost comical if he wasn’t actually hitting you.[at random]"; [Text used when the monster succeeds on an attack]
now defeated entry is "[beatthenerdymouse]"; [ Text when monster loses. Change 'template' as above. ]
now victory entry is "[losetonerdymouse]"; [ Text when monster wins. Change 'template' as above. ]
now desc entry is "[nerdymousedesc]"; [ Description of the creature when you encounter it. ]
now face entry is "that of an anthropomorphic mouse, complete with large ears and slightly buck teeth"; [ Face Description, format as the text "Your face is (your text)." ]
now body entry is "that of a lithe mouse with very little definition"; [ Body Description, format as the text "Your body is (your text)." ]
now skin entry is "Soft, light tan fur covers your"; [ Skin desc., format as the text "Your body is covered in (your text) skin." Note: the word 'skin' is automatically included at the end. ]
now tail entry is "Your tail is roughly the same length as your body, thin, and naked like that of a typical mouse."; [ Tail desc., written as a full sentence or left blank for none. ]
now cock entry is "sheathed human like"; [ Cock desc., format as "You have a 'size' (your text) cock." ]
now face change entry is "Your gums start to hurt around your two front teeth, almost like you’re teething all over again, your tongue feels over them finding your front teeth have grown larger giving you slightly bucked teeth. Before you’re able to fully comprehend this, you feel the very shape of your skull starting to change, growing out into a short muzzle, your ears shift and grow much larger giving your head the appearance of a mouse"; [ Face TF text, format as "Your face feels funny as (your text)." ]
now body change entry is "Your stomach churns and tightens, as you reach to it you can feel your muscles shrinking along with the rest of you.  The focus on your shrinking body moves to the changing shape of your hands and feet as they turn into furless, mouse-like paws."; [ Body TF text, format as "Your body feels funny as (your text)." ]
now skin change entry is "You give an idle scratch to your belly to get at a sudden itch. As the itch subsides, you feel thin fur covering the area. A moment later you feel two more spots itching, soon your entire body is just one big itch that you can’t scratch.  After what feels like hours of scratching your body finally relaxes enough to notice your whole body is now covered in soft, light tan fur."; [ Skin TF text, format as "Your skin feels funny as (your text)." ]
now ass change entry is "An itch forms at your backside, reaching back to scratch at it reveals a change occurring. A tail is growing from the base of your spine. After several minutes you become the proud owner of a naked whip of a tail, like that of a mouse"; [ Ass/Tail TF text, format as "Your ass feels funny as (your text)." ]
now cock change entry is "A sudden wave of euphoria shoots through your groin. The feeling leaves you gasping for what feels like hours before you finally compose yourself enough to actually look at your crotch. You find your cock covered in a protective sheath"; [ Cock TF text, format as "Your cock feels funny as (your text)." ]
now str entry is 8; [ These are now the creature's stats... ]
now dex entry is 12; [ ...and are only altered onto the player via Shifting or the Mighty Mutation feat ]
now sta entry is 11; [ These values may be used as part of alternate combat. ]
now per entry is 12;
now int entry is 17;
now cha entry is 11;
now sex entry is "Male"; [ Infection will move the player towards this gender. Current: 'Male' 'Female' 'Both' ]
now hp entry is 32; [ The monster's starting hit points. ]
now lev entry is 3; [ Monster level. (Level x 2) XP for victory. (Level / 2) XP for losing. ]
now wdam entry is 4; [ Monster's average damage when attacking. ]
now area entry is "Campus"; [ "Outside" "Mall" "Park" "Beach" etc... Check an existing creature in the area. ]
now cocks entry is 1; [ Number of cocks the infection will try to cause if sex entry is 'Male' or 'Both'. ]
now cock length entry is 12; [ Length in inches infection will make cock grow to if cocks. ]
now cock width entry is 7; [ Cock width, more commonly used for ball size. ]
now breasts entry is 0; [ Number of breasts the infection will give a player. ]
now breast size entry is 0; [ Size of breasts the infection will try to attain (corresponds to letter cup size). ]
now male breast size entry is 0; [ Breast size for if Sex="Male", usually zero. ]
now cunts entry is 0; [ The number of cunts the infection will try to cause if sex entry is 'Female' or 'Both'. ]
now cunt length entry is 0; [ Depth in inches of female sex the infection will attempt to give a player. ]
now cunt width entry is 0; [ Width in inches of female sex the infection will try to give a player. ]
now libido entry is 25; [ Target libido the infection will rise towards. ]
now loot entry is "soda"; [ Dropped item, blank for none. Case sensitive. ]
now lootchance entry is 20; [ Percentage chance of dropping loot, from 0-100. ]
[ These represent the new additions to the table of random critters ]
now scale entry is 2; [ Number 1-5, approx size/height of infected PC body: 1=tiny, 3=avg, 5=huge ]
now body descriptor entry is "[one of]lanky[or]skinny[or]lithe[or]short[at random]"; [ Ex: "plump" "fat" "muscled" "strong" "slimy" "gelatinous" "slender" Use [one of] to vary ]
now type entry is "rodent"; [ one-word creature type. Ex: feline, canine, lupine, robotic, human... Use [one of] to vary ]
now magic entry is false; [ Is this a magic creature? true/false (normally false) ]
now resbypass entry is false; [ Bypasses Researcher bonus? true/false (almost invariably false) ]
now non-infectious entry is false; [ Is this a non-infectious, non-shiftable creature? True/False (usually false) ]
blank out the nocturnal entry; [ True=Nocturnal (night encounters only), False=Diurnal (day encounters only), blank for both. ]
now altcombat entry is "default"; [ Row used to designate any special combat features, "default" for standard combat. ]

[A sample structure for succumbing/surviving messages at the end of the game.]
[Numerous other examples can be found in existing creature files.]

Section 3 - Endings

when play ends:
if bodyname of player is "Nerdy Mouse":
if humanity of player is less than 10:
say " You give in to the vast nerdiness inside your head. After pouring over all of the books you can find in the library you grow bored and desire a more structured path of learning. Wandering around you eventually find yourself at the College Campus and are over joyed at the thought of getting a higher education. Almost immediatly you find yourself on the recieving end of a wedgie to shouts of 'NERD!'. Ah, sweet academia";
say " You survived, by some miracle, with your humanity still in tact. It takes some time but you finally find a place you fit in, surrounded by those like you, by fellow nerds. ";
if cocks of player > 0: [MALE/HERM]
say " Additional text for a male/herm survivor.";
otherwise if "Sterile" is not listed in feats of player: [F-BREEDABLE]
say " Additional text for a female survivor who can become preggers.";
otherwise: [F-STERILE]
say " Additional text for a female survivor who cannot become preggers.";

[ Edit this to have the correct creature name as well]
Nerdy Mouse For FS ends here.

This time I copy/pasted straight from the Inform, last time i forgot and copy/pasted from a copy paste in notepad... and the indents still seem to be missing yet they are there in the Inform version.

Edit: Nnnno they are not. Crap. Only now do I realize i copied the template wrong, now i'm going back through with the fresh template and replacing things with the nerd's code
Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:32 pm


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