Help finding Cuero Lobo (and an endless event loop)

Help finding Cuero Lobo (and an endless event loop)

Postby minibw » Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:20 pm

Hi everyone! I'm really enjoying this game but I'm having trouble with these couple things.

I've explored around the Red Light District upwards of maybe 200 times and seemingly exhausted every single encounter and event in the area (except for one which I'll note below), but I just cannot get the Leather Wolves event to trigger. :? Is there something I'm doing wrong other than...y'know...just going and north and south from the area and spamming explore? Now, I did have Girl and Hermaphrodite content banned in this game (something I kinda regret now, and will probably enable on my next game!) and that's the one thing I can think of that could be causing this...but...obviously, I don't see why Cuero Lobo and Zigor would be blocked by that. I'd love to play this there something I can do to force it to happen?

Okay, the other issue I'm having, also with the Red Light District, is that the "Important Treasure" event just will not stop occuring. I've see that one single scene of "something white dash across your vision" over and over again as I, triply moreso now that I've exhausted every other encounter in that district that I could. I'm assuming this isn't the way it's supposed to work? Anything I can do to stop this event from happening?

Thanks for any help with this! :P
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Re: Help finding Cuero Lobo (and an endless event loop)

Postby Wahn » Mon Dec 26, 2016 4:12 pm

Here's the explanation for your troubles:

Leather Wolves is a situation.
The sarea of Leather Wolves is "Red".
when play begins:
add Leather Wolves to badspots of girl;
add Leather Wolves to badspots of guy;
add Leather Wolves to badspots of furry;

^^ From that code, the event is situated in the red light district and will not appear if either men or women or furries are banned. Also, you don't have to randomly explore if you know what you're looking for. Just "hunt leather wolves".
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Re: Help finding Cuero Lobo (and an endless event loop)

Postby minibw » Sun Jan 01, 2017 3:07 pm

Ah, thanks for the help! I thought that might be the case, but it's good to know what exactly went wrong.

Seems like this must be a bug though, right? There's no female content in Cuero Lobo afaik, so it's strange to have it blocked that way. :P
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