The little kingdoms of Flexible Survival

Re: The little kingdoms of Flexible Survival

Postby TigerStripes » Fri Jun 20, 2014 2:43 pm

Savriss wrote:I'm interested to know what are the biggest differences for you along with what your own vision of them is.

Savriss wrote:6. Black Equinoid tribe Hostile to Painted Herm Wolf tribe. Leadership by a chieftan, implied selection by council of elders?

My mental picture for these guys is largely influenced by the hyena tribe from Digger and its female leader. They're a very 'back to nature' kind of group as well, wanting to live less complicated lives and be more in harmony with nature. While less aggressive than other groups, they are still warriors and will fight to expand if needed. More details about their social structure will be revealed if the Equinoid Camp is expanded upon.

Savriss wrote:8. Palomino Bar Harold is a unicorn and seemingly powerful. A small and independent group of people, a haven for individuals and refugees. Could become a smuggling and trading hub for other groups or become a refuge for people.

Harold's not particularly powerful overall, but has some narrow 'divine/holy/purity' power coming from his unicorn nature. It is largely a place of refuge and mild (for the times) decadence for survivors and the partially succumbed. Most are waiting for rescue, though when that times comes, many still won't end up leaving. I see it less as a smuggling/trading hub and more becoming a 'neutral ground' location within the city for sentient citizens. Factions would use it as a neutral place to meet and talk while watching the sexy dancers. Many a conflict will start or end because of talks descending into sex.

Savriss wrote:9. Down Under pub Much like Hyena Gang, inducts members into appropriate species. No real insight into leadership.

Unlike the Hyena Gang, the pub is more a centralized location around which the kangaroo population meet and socialize. They aren't really seeking power or looking to expand, though the capturing of prisoners for the floor show and their unity around the pub does indirectly help them in this regard. There'll be more insight into the leadership of the pub to come later. Should the 'roos continue to expand, they'd probably open 'franchises' around which other clusters of 'roos and other marsupials would build up.

Savriss wrote:10. Stables brothel Tyranny under quasi mystical nightmare. While the generic stallions are thick as sticks, it's not hard to see them putting their strength to effective military power. Using brothel aspect to align small factions, could form relatively content and varied subject kingdoms paying tribute with the brothel prostitutes becoming pillow diplomats who ease division.

Something about the nightmare infection seems to eventually dull the Stablemaster's drive for conquest, instead becoming content to hold dominion and breed his mismatched herd, even neglecting the more mundane needs of food and maintenance for the hotel in favour of spending more time fucking the mares. Certainly bands of horsemen are sent out to collect other 'recruits', especially those of various equine forms to increase the variety of concubines for the Stablemaster. Many of the patrons of the Stables are gradually converted into more sex-loving equine staff and prostitutes. Through this, the Stablemaster accumulates wealth and an ever-growing harem until eventually deposed by the next successful rival looking for force a change in management.

Savriss wrote:12. Wolfman sports team Breeding new members who probably form an effective militia under attack. Obviously wants larger society to come together again but would probably get by pretty well even as a lone group. I can see the strongest of the wolfmen being the visible leader while actually being guided by the brightest of the cheerleaders.

The Wolfman football team eventually gains a manager who'll lead the time; this is a path the player can take. Their football-addled minds are focused on the game and tend to view the world through those eyes. Post-game, they eventually join the S-AFL (Shifted American Football League), which is basically groups of football teams for the various civilized colonies around the west coast. The sport's very popular among the masses, a violent and sex-filled distraction condoned by the corporate hierarchy as a form of circus for the infected masses.

Savriss wrote:16. Mall Rat Collective Seems like the coolest rule, probably by showdowns a la 'Zoolander'. While not powerful, the mall represents great resources early on and a relatively easy to defend structure. I imagine the rats being able to hit, run and counter attack on their own turf, balancing their seeming weakness against more dangerous foes with home ground advantage.

During the single-player game, no one really rules, though Rod's vaguely in charge because he's got a good head on his shoulders (for a mall rat). He generally just keeps things running smooth when needed and otherwise goes around hanging out with everyone. Aside from a few Wolverine Guards formed from mall security, the Mall Rats also have street cred as the hoopiest froods around to keep them largely undisturbed. For the moment, the place is 'neutral ground', but the Slut Rat problem will eventually force Rod to take proper leadership and organize the Mall Rats to emigrate to Fairhaven (multiplayer town). Most will go with him and those who don't will be overrun by the Slut Rats in short order. Ronda (if not a Slut Rat at the time) does not make the emigration to leave the mall, the couple breaking up over this and other tensions, thereby keeping this in canon with the Flexible Survival novel.

Savriss wrote:17. Gryphon Aviary A floating city, a dominant leader and ability to plunder new slaves and resources as needed, it's easy to see these people either lording it over others or uniting surviving factions against them.

The Floating City is a wandering relic from a slightly higher dimension stranded here by the cataclysm surrounding the outbreak. It is already showing signs of wearing down and will eventually (~2-5 years according to Nuku) become stranded in the mountains and lose its invisibility. The gryphons people who lived there have been corrupted by the infection despite the rushed attempts by some to analyze it, but these last hold-outs succumbed to their lusts before achieving complete success. The imperfect 'shifting' ability is the result of this work. The stronger herm gryphons seek to gather a mate (or small collection of mates) and sire clutches of eggs in the weaker-willed ones. Were the herm gryphons to rise to power, aided in the early years by having a hidden nesting ground, the grounded Qytat would be the central starting point.

Savriss wrote:18. The Lion Prides Mostly small factions that would hold each other in check until a greater force came along, the rise of Leonard changes this dynamic. Either he starts forging a larger group together or he falls to an alliance of other male lions. Either way, his actions leave the anthro lions faction more organised and dangerous. What the 'male alliance' would be like is up to debate as there's no visibility but it seems clear that Leonard would create a monarchy with noble intent... In the way he envisions nobility.

The alliance of rival males would have lasted just as long as it took for Leonard to fall and not a moment longer, the 'clever male' taking that opportunity to strike the victor down with a sneak attack and steal the prize of the ruined prides all for himself. He'd not be able to hold together a pride as large as Leonard would, but they'd still be the strongest of all. The same outcome would occur, though it'd be a darker dominion with less noble rule.

Mental Mice: The Mental Mice are more selective than most creatures in who they'll induct into their ranks, searching for interesting, powerful, empathic and/or psychically-attuned minds. As such, they'd not take over by infecting everyone, but would instead form powerful hive-mind groups across the land in secret. These would grow in power and influence, becoming an interconnected network of hive-minds that eventually cannot be resisted. They'd rule all through their mental might, cull the best minds from the masses of other peoples and control the rest as their workforce through their puppets and then directly as mental slaves. Eventually, the numbers of the others would dwindle until only a world-mind of mice remained, powerful and focused, mentally searching the stars for more worlds with thinking beings and then spreading new hive-minds there to convert them into new musine world-minds... thus forming a cluster-network of world-minds, then a galaxy-network of cluster-minds, then a universe-network of galaxy-minds, then a mighty, all-encompassing, musine universe-mind.

Red Oni: More details to be shown once Hayato's content is continued.

Wereraptors: The Wereraptors will lurk in hiding, led by the 'Society of the Sickle', those wereraptors with the will and fortitude to gain partial control over their transformation. They will spread in secret, infecting others with their lycanthropic curse. The wereraptors seem much like any other feral strain at first, unperceived as the true threat that their lycanthropic curse poses. Resistant to removal through infection by another strain, their numbers can't be decreased through sexual attack like most others. They'll seek to spread unrecognized as a uniquely dangerous threat until it is too late to stop them. Bloodthirsty, threats will be violently removed and weaker beings will be consumed to sate their hungers as the world devolves into one of hunter and prey, with a select and powerful ruling class of self-controlled Wereraptors. Should their attempt fail, the collective peoples will backlash against them, devastating their numbers until wereraptors become rare, hidden and hunted monsters of horror. They would then be viewed much like the werewolves of myth, to be feared and to be killed when found, lest they devour or curse others.

Skunk and Skunkbeasts: The skunks and the skunkbeasts of the forest aren't quite united into a faction, but there is a definite hierarchy of power with the Skunkbeast Lord, progenitor of the skunkbeasts, as the mightiest of them. The skunks are willing sluts to the skunkbeasts and the skunkbeasts sometimes scuffle amongst each other for possession or breeding rights on the girls, but that's about it. The regular skunkbeasts are largely only capable of animal-level thought, though they do have a certain level of cunning as well. As they spread, new skunkbeasts would rise to the position of skunkbeast lords and be masters of their dominions.

Tigress Hookers: You can see most of the details on this through the material in the Motel Quest and its various endings. The tigress hookers are based out of a seedy motel that had one of more prostitutes in it during the outbreak. Spreading to their clients, the rest of the guests and the owner, they've claimed it as their home base. The girls each have a corner they work with an alley nearby for fucking their clients, though they're far more aggressive about picking up johns. Their looted 'pay' is brought back to the motel to be shared with the others, providing tasty treats for the kitties and their matronly leader to enjoy. Regular patrons are lured back to the motel, at which they'll be converted through repeated sexings into new feline whores.
- Without Sgt Marks's interference, they'd likely remain a fixture of the infected city, the tigresses fucked by the various other creatures and their lost numbers replaced by tricked clients. The motel's matron would cut a deal with the Stables by selling off a few of her girls to work there (thereby luring in more clients to eventually be converted into mares) in return for the rest of them being able to work the streets w/o interference from the horsemen slave hunters. Some tigress hookers might migrate out of the city and form whorehouses, brothels or hidden sex dens of their own, but there'd be little ambition to take over or infect everyone - a variety of clients adds to the fun of their work.
- With Sgt Marks's success, the tigress hookers are removed from the fallen city and a new semi-legal whorehouse is set up under his control using his shady contacts. With his ambitions limited to making lots of money and getting lots of tail, he's able to satisfy both by pimping the slutty girls and bribing officials when needed.
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Re: The little kingdoms of Flexible Survival

Postby Shoggoth on the Roof » Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:56 pm

TigerStripes wrote:Mental Mice: The Mental Mice are more selective than most creatures in who they'll induct into their ranks, searching for interesting, powerful, empathic and/or psychically-attuned minds. As such, they'd not take over by infecting everyone, but would instead form powerful hive-mind groups across the land in secret. These would grow in power and influence, becoming an interconnected network of hive-minds that eventually cannot be resisted. They'd rule all through their mental might, cull the best minds from the masses of other peoples and control the rest as their workforce through their puppets and then directly as mental slaves. Eventually, the numbers of the others would dwindle until only a world-mind of mice remained, powerful and focused, mentally searching the stars for more worlds with thinking beings and then spreading new hive-minds there to convert them into new musine world-minds... thus forming a cluster-network of world-minds, then a galaxy-network of cluster-minds, then a universe-network of galaxy-minds, then a mighty, all-encompassing, musine universe-mind.

It's like the Borg assimilated Disneyland.
A big monster like that on such a pointed roof... You may ask 'how does it stay up there, if it's so difficult?'

That, I can tell you in one word: tentacles!
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Re: The little kingdoms of Flexible Survival

Postby TigerStripes » Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:01 am

Shoggoth on the Roof wrote:It's like the Borg assimilated Disneyland.

More like a wet dream of Echoen's pushed to the extreme. :)
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Re: The little kingdoms of Flexible Survival

Postby koreka » Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:05 am

I've actually been working on a draft outline for a new "Kingdom" with various NPC's. It's going to be a super huge project that would probably need to be commissioned in bits and pieces before it could be rolled out and might take one writer a long time to do.

I can write up outlines for character reference sheets and event sequences, but need writers to give dialog/personality and of course sex scenes. I did a test with this with the new NPC Rane I had commissioned and it seemed to work well. But even so, it still took a some time to implement Rane as is currently even with all the background and outlines made.

Still, I think what I'm working on could end up very fun with the potential for great additions and tons and tons of scenarios. :D
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