Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Sat Aug 02, 2014 11:39 pm

A fairly large update for Sandra has been sent, addressing her core content. This content was part of the bonus hours assignment.

The "Rabbit Sister" questline has been finished, and males are given the option to opt into it when talking to Sandra. Other than that, her older content has received a minor facelift to be a little more on par with current writing standards, as well as trimming a few anachronistic mechanics (such as references to players cock width before it was re-relegated for use as ball size).

Now onto my proper commission!
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:40 am

It's been a while! The dust has settled now and my work has returned to full-swing for me; however, I feel compelled to give an update on what's planned, and offer a glimpse into what players will be expecting in the time to come.

Phantom Dolphin

This is an outstanding commission for Barados, an addition to the Bouncy Castle. The current plan is to have all my current projects released all at once, but this is the exception and I expect it to be out before the week is over.

Yamato Dragon/ess

This lingering component of my last Dragonpalooza. While player loss is done, victory still needs to be finished. Of the three, however, these monsters will probably take the most work, given that their gimmicks carry over to player victory, and subsequently there's a lot of scene variance.

The Matter of the Ash Dragons

We've been planning to replace the Ash dragon trio with something else entirely, due to a number of issues.

Basically, they need completely new content, but players should expect them to look and behave around the same general ballpark.


Everbody's favourite dragon is getting an expansion!

I have to run through the majority of his existing sex content to have them support a number of mechanical additions, but players should also expect a slight facelift to these scenes as well. By this point, however, polishing his existing content is somewhat overkill, but the end result may be slightly easier to read.

Players should expect a handful of entirely new scenes, as well. One of these scenes is from a recently made commission.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:36 pm

A pull request for the Phantom Dolphin has been sent! She should be found at the bouncy castle entrance once it goes through.

Again, I apologize for the terrible delay with this, here. If it's any consolation, all my projects are terribly behind right now. That's... Not really good consolation...

--In any case, things should be rolling along fine now, and I can get back to work on all my outstanding projects! I have so many of them...
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Thu Jan 15, 2015 11:41 pm

Status update!

Things are going by swimmingly, but I'll give you a more granular breakdown of what's going on here.


Right now I'm working on polishing his old, non-'victor', non-roleplay scenes to facilitate the mechanics I have planned and to simply make them read better. Right now I only have 3 left, with one being around 20% done.

Polishing is an exceedingly slow process, with 1-2 being done per day.

Players should expect 5 completely new scenes, + 1 for a commission. I think only one is around 66% done. Making scenes generally feels faster than polishing them, though Doran's scenes are appropriately massive, and I go at a general rate of about 1-3 a day.

There's a number of other technical scenes and systems which need to be worked on, and I can't give any sort of estimate on that.

Ash Dragons:

I believe most of the easy stuff is done for this; both the whelp and the dragator have their player loss scenes done, with the dragonoid only needing player oral (giving). Ironically, the dragonoid is probably the most done, since her infection text and endings are done as well (spoiler alert, the whelp and dragator are non-infectious, so they don't need those) and she doesn't have any complex mechanics planned for her, as opposed to the first two.

There's a few events that need to be made, as well, one of which is replacing an existing scene with a one-off bound state.

Yamato Dragon/ess:

I've been procrastinating this bad boy. I think I only have a couple scenes partially done for them.

It's not as bad as you think, in terms of how much content needs to be made for them, but their gimmicks -do- carry over to player victory and as such call for quite a bit of scene volume.

Likely, twisted capacity progression will be reduced to 3 scene variants for victory, to ease the workload as well as incentivise beating them for the feat.


I can't really give a good release date for all this. I do have a goal date, which you can probably speculate given the current date and the content load, but that's more of an optimistic and likely unrealistic timeline, so it'll probably be best to remain in the realm of speculation.

It'll also be a little slower because I'm helping Stripes with a bound state addition, which you can probably expect before the release of all this.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:22 am


The side-project I was helping Stripes with should be done now. It should be popping up relatively soon.

Okay, so, lesson learning time. I previously said I expected about 1-3 scenes a day for Doran. That was... Incorrect.

Alright, let me run you through what happened:

Me: "Oh boy, I'm sure I can fire off a couple scenes with Doran in this evening!"

*Several Hours Later*


Yeah, so I tragically under-predicted the actual volume of Doran scenes, exacerbated by the fact that I'm more thoroughly exploring the idea space presented by the types of scenes. I so overworked myself that night, in fact, that it knocked me out of commission for a couple days. Not good.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:02 am

Hey! It's been a while!

Not a second after I sent over the salamander additions to Stripes was I hit with a pretty hardcore stomach flu. I've been out of commission for over a week now thanks to it. It's still unclear when I'll be in a good enough condition to proceed with my oversized workload.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:32 pm

I've been hiding in the shadows for quite some time, haven't I? Oh, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy!

Yamato Dragon/ess:

I managed to break through a bit of a writers block and finish up 2 of their 11 scenes. That might not seem like much, but in reality those 2 scenes count for some 7 after a fair bit of duplication work. It's a very blatant shortcut, but compared to the usual fare of victory content -- maybe a couple scenes that allow no player input -- it's still very good. So long as the scenes are good, I think players can overlook if they're a bit samey.

Ash Whelp:

His replacement is completely written up and coded, and is awaiting testing.

Ash Dragongator:

He still need a couple scenes worked on, but most of his content/mechanics is coded in and ready.

Ash Drakenoid:

She's had the remainder of her content written, it just needs a polish pass and then to be coded in. The biggest hurdle right now is I need to make the necessary adjustments for quest-related content.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:01 pm


Ash Dragons:

The replacements for all three monsters have been wholly coded in and await testing. Asides from the inevitable bug/error wrangling, it's nice to have these mostly taken care of.

Yamato Dragon/ess:

I'll probably be returning here to finish up one of their scenes. Since there's basically only 4 scenes that need to be written for them -- before copy work -- and 2 are already taken care of, I think it'll be nice to finish up another before I finally return to work on Doran.

Right now, Doran has most of his adjustments and coding additions already in, and it's just a matter of writing the scenes for him, some of which are partially finished. We're looking at 6 repeatable scenes and two one-off scenes. Quite a lot to tackle, but I should be more comfortable dealing with them with fewer other things to deal with!

For the rest of the night, however, I think I'll just be doing some basic compile tests.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:16 pm


Yamato Dragon/ess:

I just finished the third scene I had planned for them before returning to Doran.

Doran has an abundance of half-finished scenes right now. Before I make any more, I'll probably focus on completing the ones I already have.
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Re: Blue Bishop's Content Corner

Postby Blue Bishop » Sat Mar 14, 2015 3:38 am



Of the 9 scenes slated for the dragon, 7 of them have been worked on to some extent or another. 4 have been completely roughed out.

I briefly had a bit of writer's block with Doran, but I figured out how to get past that. Now I'm making stellar progress!
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